
Mira Joy,

Today you are six years old…HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I could hardly imagine in my fog of fear, holding you six years ago today, that this is what life would look and feel like with you. The first year of your life felt like an eternity, yet the next five flew by so fast, it makes my head spin.

Each year, each day, each moment, you teach me more and more. Because of you, I have learned the true meaning of gratitude, patience and of course, joy.

You have blossomed in the most remarkable way. Where you used to quietly hide behind us or shy away from interacting with people, you are now owning your space, both comfortable and confident. You advocate for your needs, express your opinions (rather loudly I might add) and proactively search out solutions.

You took on Kindergarten with fierce determination. You formed special bonds with your teachers, staff and with dozens of other six year olds you now call friends. You excelled academically. You set an example. We are all so proud of you, and judging by the way you bounced out of the building at the end of each day, you are proud of yourself too.

 There are so many things I love about you:

  •  The bewitching fascination of your bond with Ellie. The love you share, the language you speak, the way you look at each other…it is magical.

  •  Your hunger to know more about the world…what things are called…the meaning of words…where things belong. You are an ambitious learner, never lose that.

  •  Your maternal heart and the way you genuinely love and nurture your baby dolls. You make sure they are fed, clothed and cozy before you can go to sleep at night.

  •  Your love of reading. Once you had it, you ran with it. You find sentences wherever you can; news tickers, clothing catalogues, menus, my text messages (not crazy about that last one). I sometimes catch you snuggled up on the couch with whatever book I am reading at the time.

  • Your personality. Mira, I have never met anyone like you. You are compassionate, spirited and so unbelievably smart. You are witty and silly, loving and kind. Mira, you are magnetic. 

Our dream for you is to have a big, joyful and beautiful life.

It doesn’t matter where or how you do it, but fill it with laughter, love and people who make you happy.

Tonight, we will celebrate appropriately. We will serve your meal of choice–Pop’s spaghetti, along with a Jersey Freeze ice cream cake- and listen as you casually drop the phrase “my birthday” into every other sentence.

It was such a special year, Mira Joy because you are a special girl.

Happy Birthday my sweet one.

I love you.


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